All details you provide are kept confidential in line with our privacy policy. Submitting this form confirms you understand that we don't place people into jobs and we're not a recruitment company. Further detail on our remunerated service is available on the terms and conditions page.

Get started

The best way to get started is to fill in the form above. Once this is done we'll be able to get the process started to work out the best way for you to get into the Australia mining industry. As soon as we receive your enquiry, one of our helpful staff will be in contact with you (usually within a few hours).

Don't worry if you have no previous experience in the mining industry - we help people from all backgrounds (experienced and inexperienced), by providing a comprehensive information and recommendations service to give you a detailed insight into securing work in the mining industry.

There are a range of mining jobs that may appeal or may be suited to you. A selection of these jobs include:

- Drillers
- Labourers
- Machine Operators
- Dump Truck Operators
- Catering / Domestic Staff
- Shift Supervisors

and many others. The first step is to fill in the form on our website and we can get everything underway for you.

We take into account your background, qualifications, skills etc and determine possible job positions for you. Once we have done this, we then provide details on suitable roles, working conditions, salaries (dependent on job location), as well as recommendations on any additional qualifications or courses which may be able to assist you.

If you are serious about wanting to work in the mining industry, there is a lot to know before you start applying for jobs. Don't ruin your chances in the industry by applying for the wrong jobs, or the right jobs in the wrong places - as this can damage your employment prospects.